Delaware River, PA
Project Details
Aaron Enterprises, Inc. was contracted to install 3,500 LF of 14” steel gas main by HDD on a project in central and eastern Pennsylvania. AEI’s scope consisted of 2 HDD’s and 1 auger bore, the project is part of upgrade work on a 14” line that crosses the state. Two high profile HDDs were completed on this project. A 2600 LF install under the Delaware River in 34,000 PSI meta-shale requiring 160 LF of 36” conductor casing and sound walls. A second 900 LF install of 14” was completed under I-81 in quartzite and coal seams.
Final Product
3500 LF of 14” Steel Gas Main
34,000 PSI meta-shale, quartzite and coal seams
Completion Date
January 2023
Installation Methods
- Horizontal Directional Drilling
- Auger Boring
Markets Served