Improving and Protecting America’s Power Needs
Any number of trenchless solutions can be deployed to get electrical transmission lines installed under sensitive areas and underground. Horizontal directional drilling is often the preferred method for longer crossings and crossings under wetlands and rivers. Auger boring is typically used on shorter crossings under highways and rail roads. In addition to installing the lines, Aaron Enterprises, Inc. we also offer thermal grout options to help ensure that transmission lines are operating efficiently and improving life expectancy.
Project Partners
BG&E | PPL Electric Utilities Corporation | PEPCO | Delmarva Power |
Exelon | Met-Ed | Applied High Voltage | PSEG |
National Grid | Duke Energy | Orange & Rockland | WGL |
Henkels & McCoy | Infrasource | Michels Corp | Miller Bros. |
PECCO | Haughland Group |